The East Africa Customs And Freight Forwarding Practicing Certificate Training Programme (EACFFPC)

Improved Effective Trade Logistic Services

Intended impact

To reduce freight logistics cost by minimising the number of errors in customs entries and consignment clearances in the region through improved knowledge and skills of freight forwarders and clearing agents.


  • A strong positive impact in improving service quality, timeliness and cost.
  • A faster and lower cost service to their importer/exporter client
  • of the targeted 4,500 freight forwarders/clearing agents trained

  • Of interviewed trained agents reported new and improved knowledge and skills

  • Provided quicker services to clients

  • Average number of graduates per year under TMA funding

Key recommendations

01. Study the difference between trained and untrained agents This is to ascertain the number of customs declaration errors made by both agents and the extent to which translates into time/cost implications for traders.

02. Alternative delivery models for the EACFFPC training and certification A new method can be used, for example, for the training and certification of private sector training companies or national freight forwarding associations.

03. EACFFPC curriculum revision This is to ascertain the number of customs declaration errors made by both agents and the extent to which translates into time/cost implications for traders.

Key lessons learnt

01.Through TMA support, national or regional policy changes such as the EACFFPC licencing of forwarding and clearing firms can be made based on sound research around costs, risks and benefits of the policy change.

02.To support improved project performance and risk management, a project design and ongoing project management with a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) component should be put in place. It should be systematically identified, mitigated and monitored throughout project delivery.

03.Systematically assessing the implications of gender mainstreaming requires more than disaggregation of monitoring data. Gender perspectives should be planned, ongoing and completed project activities.

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