Export Development Programme (Rwanda and Burundi)
Advancing Trade, improving economies
Advancing Trade, improving economies
Increasing export values of programme supported companies in Rwanda and Burundi to contribute to TMAs overall objective of increased trade.
Increase in Rwanda's export value to the East African Community(EAC)
Increase in Rwanda's export value to the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC)
Payback period
Internal Rate of Return
Net return per dollar invested
Trained as export advisors
Improved their export capacities
Mentoring from the 6 local consultants
Preparation and implementation of export action plans
Product costing and pricing
Understanding export market requirements
01. Working the Government agencies responsible for promoting export helps the programme to the country and also be able to operate without difficult.
02. Working companies that are export ready and are motivated and willing to export lead to quick wins in Rwanda.
03. Follow-ups and monitoring to provide technical assistance enhances the realisation of the expected results. Export Development Programme linked the producer/manufaturers to the market/buyers and considerable effort put on technical follow-up.
01.TMA should support Export Development Programme Burundi Project to replicate the best practices from Rwanda such as integrating the programme in their National Export Strategy, having well trained local export advisors and having adequate staff in API who should work closely with Export Development Programme to ensure skills transfer.
02.TMA should support Export Development Programme, the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) and Burundi Agency for Investment Promotion (API) to follow-up and monitor the programme results achieved, such as implementation of the export action plans and market linkages created by visiting the supported companies on schedule. This will strengthen the coordination between Export Development Programme, RDB/API and the supported companies which will enhance programme sustainability
03.TMA should carry out baseline surveys and studies to generate baseline data on targeted firms in order to set realistic targets.
Should you require further information contact info@trademarkafrica.com