Intended impact at project inception

To improve National Bureau of Standards' technical capacity to be efficient and effective in testing product samples in order to reduce the testing costs and ultimately improve export competitiveness across the region.


The notified product certification marks issued by the National Standards Bodies (NSBs) has reduced testing cost and the clearance time across the region;

  • Products with notified certification marks.

  • Products without notified certification marks.

  • Cost reduction achieved across the region.

Increase in EAC trade volumes through standard harmonization and improved testing efficiency


TMA supported 66% of harmonised East Africa Standards (EAS) which were at different levels of adoption by the EAC States. These harmonized standards were being used for inspection, auditing, testing and certification of products which contributed to the reduction in the time and cost that would be incurred as a result of complying with multiple standards.

  • EAS gazetted against a target of 110

  • EAS harmonised and gazetted

  • Testing time reduced from 38 days to 10 days.

  • Testing cost reduced from US$ 500 to US$205


Key recommendations

01.To provide information on conformity assessment activities, modern ICT platforms (e-portals) should be developed.

02.To ensure effective product standards and testing procedures are harmonised, private sector participation and lobbying at both national and regional level should be adopted.

03.To ensure standardisation decisions are documented, disseminated and enforced, policy interventions are a necessity.

Key lessons learnt

01.To sensitise and provide technical assistance to cross-border informal women traders in order to raise awareness on product standards and improve their products' quality in order to be competitive and access a wider market.

02.To lobby EAC members of parliament to enact the EAC standards laws and approve the standards policy.

03.To promote free movement of the most traded goods through priority certification

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